Tuesday, July 2, 2013

TAGteacher Spotlight: Karin Coyne and Abigail Curtis DVM

Karin Coyne and Abigail Curtis are Level 2 TAGteachers and have been using TAGteach for over 7 years in various capacities. Neither of them can remember a “defining moment” where they discovered TAG, but suspect they learned about it when they were reading and absorbing everything they could about clicker training. After using TAG with some success in their summer camp for teenagers and dogs, the real epiphany came after attending a TAGteach seminar. They now had the tools and resources to solve those little areas that weren’t working quite right and everything fit together very smoothly.

As seems to be a typical for them, after using TAGteach at their camp very successfully for several years, they decided that wasn’t exciting enough and began experimenting with other uses of TAGteach in their lives. They had taken up the sport of parkour and remembered watching all of those brilliant gymnastic videos Theresa showed in the TAGteach seminar. Through experimentation, discussion with each other, and some cringe inducing videos (late tags, wrong tags, 20 minutes spent discussing how to tag “commitment,” etc.) the amount they have seen their TAGteaching skills improve by branching into a vastly different use of TAGteach has been an invaluable experience. Tag thinking now “invades” nearly every aspect of their lives and both have been known to awkwardly give tags to random strangers!

We are excited to welcome Karin and Abigail as guest webinar presenters this summer:

Join us on July 11 for a fascinating look at the sport of parkour and learn how to apply TAGteach principles to sport coaching. Click here for more info or to register.

Join us again on Aug 13 for fun and games at camp. Learn how to manage teenage campers while having a ton on fun and keeping everything positive. Click here for more info or to register.

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